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Weather Valstagna

    • Severe weather alerts

      Severe weather alerts

      Very low temperatures below -15°C, frost danger.

      Reduced visibility due to fog or haze.

    • Weather forecast Valstagna

      Sunday weather forecast for Valstagna: . The minimum temperature today is expected to be , whereas the maximum temperature is expected to be , The freezing level at 12 pm will be at 100 meters above sea level. Winds will be calm from north
    • Weather Valstagna - ARPAV weather forecast

      ARPAV weather forecast

      general conditions:Broken or overcast
      precipitation forecast:Light
      Probability of precipitation:90%
      snowfall altitude:Above 9000-1100 m

      Weather forecast by: ARPAV weather forecast

    • Vote the weather forecasting!

      rating: 4.0 / 5 Score obtained from 3 reviews.

    Valstagna - Town information

    Sunrise:07:24Surface:25.4 km²
    Altitude:147 mPopulation density:74.8 population/km²
    Latitude:45.8572633Zip code:36020