Weather Gambugliano
Severe weather alerts
Very low temperatures below -15°C, frost danger.
Reduced visibility due to fog or haze.
Saturday weather forecast for Gambugliano: . The minimum temperature today is expected to be , whereas the maximum temperature is expected to be , The freezing level at 12 pm will be at 100 meters above sea level. Winds will be calm from northWeather forecast Gambugliano
Weather Gambugliano - ARPAV weather forecast
general conditions: Cloudy or broken precipitation forecast: Moderate Probability of precipitation: 60% snowfall altitude: Above 1300-1600 m reliability: Moderate Weather forecast by: ARPAV weather forecast
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Gambugliano - Town information
Sunrise: | 06:26 | Surface: | 8.0 km² | |
Sunset: | 18:20 | Population: | 842 | |
Altitude: | 133 m | Population density: | 105.3 population/km² | |
Latitude: | 45.5878624 | Zip code: | 36050 | |
Longitude: | 11.4397154 | Province: | VI |