Weather Salorno
- 00:00HourWeather3.9°Temperature0 mmPrecipitation4.3 m/s
Wind speedWind direction59%Humidity0°Wind chill3.9°Heat index80 kmVisibility - 03:00HourWeather2.7°Temperature0 mmPrecipitation3.3 m/s
Wind speedWind direction62%Humidity-1°Wind chill2.7°Heat index80 kmVisibility - 06:00HourWeather3.6°Temperature0 mmPrecipitation2.8 m/s
Wind speedWind direction62%Humidity1°Wind chill3.6°Heat index80 kmVisibility - 09:00HourWeather11.1°Temperature0 mmPrecipitation3 m/s
Wind speedWind direction33%Humidity10°Wind chill11.1°Heat index80 kmVisibility - 12:00HourWeather14.5°Temperature0 mmPrecipitation2.2 m/s
Wind speedWind direction28%Humidity14°Wind chill14.5°Heat index80 kmVisibility - 15:00HourWeather15.2°Temperature0 mmPrecipitation2 m/s
Wind speedWind direction29%Humidity15°Wind chill15.2°Heat index80 kmVisibility - 18:00HourWeather11°Temperature0 mmPrecipitation1.6 m/s
Wind speedWind direction58%Humidity11°Wind chill11°Heat index80 kmVisibility - 21:00HourWeather8.3°Temperature0 mmPrecipitation1.9 m/s
Wind speedWind direction67%Humidity7°Wind chill8.3°Heat index80 kmVisibility
Today weather forecast for Salorno: sunny forecasted. The minimum temperature today is expected to be 2.7°, whereas the maximum temperature is expected to be 15.2°, The freezing level at 12 pm will be at 2500 meters above sea level. Winds will be moderate from north westWeather forecast Salorno
Weather Salorno - Alto Adige weather forecast
General conditions:Cold weather in the mountains
local conditions:Cloudy, light snowfall
Weather Min Max 0 7 Forecast for the north of the province:Cloudy, light snowfall Forecast for the south of the province:Cloudy General conditions: Westerly currents will bring moist air masses closer to the Alps in the second part of the day. Reliability: 70 Snowfall altitude: 400 Temperature 1000m at 12 pm: -1 Temperature 2000m at 12 pm: -9 Temperature 3000m at 12 pm: -16 Temperature 4000m at 12 pm: -18 Weather forecast: Temperatures in sharp decline. During the first part of the day, sun and clouds will alternate. In the afternoon further cloudiness will increase. On the western slopes during the day it will start snowing. In the evening, extension of the phenomena towards the east. Freezing level at 12 pm: 800 m Wind:strong northwesterly Weather forecast by: © Alto Adige weather forecast
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Salorno - Town information
Sunrise: | 07:56 | Surface: | 33.2 km² | |
Sunset: | 16:49 | Population: | 3536 | |
Altitude: | 224 m | Population density: | 106.5 population/km² | |
Latitude: | 46.2431404 | Zip code: | 39040 | |
Longitude: | 11.2304850 | Province: | BZ |