Weather Stelvio Pass
- 00:00HourWeather-10.8°Temperature0.3 mmPrecipitation6.3 m/s
Wind speedWind direction87%Humidity-19°Wind chill-10.8°Heat index4.7 kmVisibility - 03:00HourWeather-7.6°Temperature0.6 cmPrecipitation7.3 m/s
Wind speedWind direction89%Humidity-16°Wind chill-7.6°Heat index1610 mVisibility - 06:00HourWeather-5.8°Temperature0.9 cmPrecipitation8.6 m/s
Wind speedWind direction91%Humidity-14°Wind chill-5.8°Heat index1020 mVisibility - 09:00HourWeather-3.7°Temperature0.3 cmPrecipitation7.4 m/s
Wind speedWind direction95%Humidity-11°Wind chill-3.7°Heat index220 mVisibility - 12:00HourWeather-1.9°Temperature0.8 cmPrecipitation8.2 m/s
Wind speedWind direction94%Humidity-9°Wind chill-1.9°Heat index310 mVisibility - 15:00HourWeather-1.8°Temperature0.2 mmPrecipitation8 m/s
Wind speedWind direction93%Humidity-9°Wind chill-1.8°Heat index710 mVisibility - 18:00HourWeather-2.4°Temperature0.3 cmPrecipitation7.9 m/s
Wind speedWind direction95%Humidity-9°Wind chill-2.4°Heat index300 mVisibility - 21:00HourWeather-1.6°Temperature0.1 mmPrecipitation7.2 m/s
Wind speedWind direction95%Humidity-8°Wind chill-1.6°Heat index80 mVisibility
Severe weather alerts
Perceived temperature below -15°C, wind chill.
Chance of morning frost, beware of slippery road conditions in the first hours of the morning.
Monday weather forecast for Stelvio Pass: snow forecasted. The minimum temperature today is expected to be -11.9°, whereas the maximum temperature is expected to be -1.7°, The freezing level at 12 pm will be at 2400 meters above sea level. Winds will be fresh from north westWeather forecast Stelvio Pass
Weather Stelvio Pass - Alto Adige weather forecast
General conditions:Snow in the north, initially dry in the south
local conditions:Dull, slightly snowfall
Weather Min Max -4 2 Forecast for the north of the province:Dull, moderate snowfall Forecast for the south of the province:Dull, slightly snowfall General conditions: A disturbance will reach the northern side of the Alps and will also affect the weather over a large part of South Tyrol. Reliability: 70 Snowfall altitude: 500 Temperature 1000m at 12 pm: -1 Temperature 2000m at 12 pm: -6 Temperature 3000m at 12 pm: -8 Temperature 4000m at 12 pm: -15 Weather forecast: In the mountains, clouds will often obstruct visibility and widespread snowfall will occur along the main alpine crest. In the course of the day, snow showers will also affect areas further south. Freezing level at 12 pm: 900 m Wind:strong westerly Weather forecast by: © Alto Adige weather forecast
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Stelvio Pass fraction of Stelvio - Town information
Sunrise: | 08:00 | Surface: | 140.9 km² | |
Sunset: | 16:34 | Population: | 1215 | |
Altitude: | 2758 m | Population density: | 8.6 population/km² | |
Latitude: | 46.528694 | Zip code: | 39020 | |
Longitude: | 10.453037 | Province: | BZ |